3rd trimester ultrasound

24 Dec

We had another ultrasound last Friday morning. It was wonderful to see how the baby has developed, with some features being recognisable without the sonographer having to tell us what was what. When Andrew asked if he could get a photo of the baby’s head, naturally it turned away and put it’s hands over it’s face….so it’s pretty hard to work out what’s what in the photo!

Baby is head down with it’s spine lying against my left side. The estimate of it’s current weight was 2.5 kg, but that can be plus/minus some 300 grams or so. My fibroid (the reason for the ultrasound, to check how it was going) seems to have shrunk and is now only 1.2 mm in diameter and there is no blood supply going to it. So I imagine that it won’t cause any issues at the birth, but will check with the midwives what they think.

So, to sum it up, everything seems to be fine at this stage! 🙂

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