36 weeks

08 Jan

Well, another week down!  We are now onto weekly appointments at the Birth Centre.  Today’s appointment was pretty standard….fundal height is fine, blood pressure was fine, the baby’s back now seems to be against my right side, and I did a swab to test for Strep B.  We are really down to the business end of the pregnancy now!

I’m still feeling well, though getting in and out of bed is definately getting harder.  I also feel like my belly has exploded, it’s quite large now.  I often look at it and wonder when it got so big!!    My hip/pelvis area seems to be quite ‘clicky’ at the moment.  When I roll over in bed I often hear and feel large ‘clicks’ coming from my pelvic area.  It’s very strange!  I’ve also been feeling very full lately, which I guess is the baby taking up so much space inside my belly.  It’s sitting right underneath my ribs now.  I keep thinking that in just one more week the baby will be considered full term!  And is likely to arrive any time over the following 5 weeks!  WOW!!

Info from Birth.com.au:

You are now 36 weeks pregnant, which is the beginning of week 37.  Your baby has grown to be about 48 cm long and weighs approximately 2,850 grams. Your baby is now in normal proportions. Up until about 36 weeks their head size is larger than their belly size, but at 36 weeks this equalises and from now on, their belly grows larger than their head! At 36 to 37 weeks your baby’s lungs are fully mature. However, babies of diabetic mothers can have delayed lung maturity until about 38 to 40 weeks.

One Response

  1. asphotos says:

    I still want to know how the babys going to get out.. 🙂

    since you wont let me install a door 🙂

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