35 weeks

01 Jan

Wow, this pregnancy is getting close to being full term!  It’s hard to remember how stressed we were for the first few months.  Even though we’ve had warm, muggy weather, my ankles have been behaving themselves and it’s been a while since they’ve been swollen.  My belly button is still threatening to pop out, but hasn’t quite, or at least not permanently.  About all there is to say is that my belly continues to grow, and it’s getting harder to roll over or get out of bed.  I’m also getting lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, often when I’m walking longer distances.  Baby also hiccups quite a lot.

I’ve been trying to video tape my belly when Bugalugs moves around, but so far I haven’t been very successful.

Info from Birth.com.au:

You are now 35 weeks pregnant, which is the beginning of week 36.  Your baby now weighs around 2.6kg and measures about 47 cm from head to toe (18 1/2 inches) and is starting to become quite plump! Over the next few weeks, your baby’s head may start to engage lower into your pelvis, possibly bringing discomfort or cramping sensations, as well as the characteristic waddle of late pregnancy.  Some unborn babies hiccup quite frequently and many newborns continue to do so after birth. You may sense your baby hiccupping by your belly having small rhythmic jumps every 10 to 20 seconds or so. A very strange sensation!

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