3 Weeks Old

11 Jan

Toby is now 3 weeks old and Andrew returned to work today after his two weeks of parental leave plus public holidays plus a couple of days he was owed.  I have no idea how I’m going to manage to get everyone out of the flat, fed and to sleep at the required times but I’m sure we’ll muddle through somehow.  Someone once told me that with two kids you need to be really organised, but I don’t even know if that is going to be enough when you have one child that just won’t go to sleep without a lot of effort from me and often doesn’t sleep long enough to give me any time to do said organisation…and that’s the older child!

Before Toby was born I decided to see if I thought that elimination communication would be possible to start from birth, or at least a few weeks old.  We started with Nathan when he was 5 months old and it seemed to work really well.  It’s funny how I had absolutely no concept of when he would wee and poo before he was 5 months old, and this time it seems to natural to hold Toby over the potty bowl when I hear his noises or see the faces he makes when he’s doing a wee.  I recognise the same faces that Nathan used to do, but never imagined they were because he needed to wee!!  I can catch several (4 or 5) wees a day and a poo if I really apply myself, and I love that it reduces the amount of washing by that number of nappies each day.  Eh, since I have a love/hate relationship with the Little Squirt too, I’m happy not to have to use it so often to spray poo off the nappies if I don’t have to! I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep it up, but it’s a good start anyway.  🙂

One Response

  1. Kate says:

    He’s adorable… Good luck with the EC! Clever lady!

    K 🙂

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