3 months old (13 weeks)

24 Mar


I’m running late for Toby’s 3 month update!  I say it every week, but I don’t know where the time goes, the days just flit past so quickly.

Toby is now rolling from his back to his tummy, though when he gets onto his tummy he squirms and complains and tries to crawl.  His legs are strong, but his arms don’t work!   When I put him on the change table lying down, if I give him my hands to hold then he will try to pull himself up to sitting.  I can pull him up and if his feet are well placed, Toby will then push himself up to standing.

EC is going reasonably well, though some days we don’t catch anything and at best we’re only doing it part time.  What does impress me, though, is that most nights Toby is dry when he wakes up after 11 hours of sleep and I can usually catch his first wee of the day.

A few days ago, when Toby was sitting in the bouncer and I was busy doing something, I heard him  suddenly squawk loudly.  I looked around and Nathan had taken Toby out of the bouncer and was holding him by the head/neck and Toby was essentially standing.  Nathan is just so desperate to pick up Toby and hold him and care for him.

Our ‘routine’ at the moment is that Toby wakes up around 7 am, he sits in his bouncer chatting to us while I run around getting breakfast for Nathan and getting ready to go out.  Toby sleeps in the Mai Tai while we’re out, then we come home to get Nathan to sleep around midday.  Nathan goes to sleep and Toby wakes up (though he’s generally been awake for a while before that). Sometimes, though, Toby has a nap while Nathan is sleeping.   In the afternoon Toby generally just gets a few catnaps unless we go for a walk somewhere and then he’ll get a decent sleep in the mai tai.  Back home for dinner, and then Toby is asleep for the night around 8 pm.





One Response

  1. katepickle says:

    oh my that bottom lip….. oh my!

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