23 Months Old

17 Jan

Just running a little late with this update….anyway, a big part of this last month for Nathan has been adjusting to being a big brother.   He generally is great with Toby, perhaps a bit rough at times though with good intentions.  He started biting out of frustration or temper around the time Toby was born (usually Andrew cops it but I also get the occasional bite as well) though the last week there hasn’t been any biting (hope it continues), and he can get distressed and cry hysterically over seemingly little things.  Nathan also wants the things that Toby has….he wants to wear nappies, lie in the baby bouncer, sit in the car capsule and generally be a baby. I think it’s just that Nathan doesn’t remember ever using these items, so he just wants to play with these new items.

Nathan now mostly talks in sentences thought he can still be quite difficult to understand at times as there are still many sounds he can’t pronounce yet.  He also has his own ideas and will argue a point with you if he thinks he knows better.

The big developmental leap this month has been learning to jump.  He’s been trying for such a very long time, but this last month he started getting both feet off the ground at the same time.  Admittedly it might just be a few centimeters but it’s a start!

What Nathan has been doing this last month:

Big stomping!

Getting upset easily

Climbing on ropes (and confidently climbing up ladders)

Learning about letters and words (he loves finding the letters for the words)

Trying out the car capsule

Riding Shadow (a Christmas present from his grandparents)

Looking after Toby in many ways, including reading to him

Visiting the Opera House

Washing my laptop keyboard (replaced because he tipped water over it and stopped it from working)

Learning about caterpillars (they ate our lettuce)

Nathan’s last swimming lesson for the year

One Response

  1. Kate says:

    Love the baby capsule photo! Very cute! Nathan is so very grown up. It’s lovely to follow his story.
    K 🙂

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