20 months old

11 Oct

Nathan is now 20 months old, and wanting to do just about everything himself.  He can get his pants off if they’re a stretchy sort of fabric, but can’t manage jeans yet.  He likes to try to put socks, shoes, undies, pants and tops on and is slowly getting the hang of some of them though he still needs help with them all.   Words are coming thick and fast, he’s a real little chatterbox most of the time.  He repeats and repeats his phrases until I say what he’s saying, I guess because then he knows that I understand him.  Sometimes I can’t work it out and he just keeps at it, hoping I get it.

Nathan just loves counting things now, though he often counts faster than he points to things, so if there’s (for example) 5 things he’s counting, by the time he points to the last one he might be up to 7.  Sometimes he counts something more than once too.  He counts to 13 without any errors, and then he wants to jump to 16.  We can prompt/tell him what comes next up to 19, he knows 20 comes next, can get to 29 and then we prompt him for 30, and on it goes.  He seems to want to understand letters, but is only recognising a select few so far.

Nathan loves to paint, play with play dough, draw with crayons or chalk, play with his wooden fruit and vegetables, cars, balls and, of course, vacuuming!  He also loves to water the ‘garden’ which is essentially a few pots of herbs or veggies on the balcony, and feed the worms.

Nathan is also a climber.  He will climb just about anything, and today he learned a bit of a lesson.  He was climbing on some outdoor furniture when we were visiting some friends of Andrew’s, and the chair fell over while he was on it.  He bumped his nose pretty hard on balcony floor and I think he’s going to have a pretty big bruise and a sore nose for a while.  Still, he didn’t seem to learn his lesson and continued to climb on the furniture!!

Nathan also often does what we call his ‘funny walks’ where he will walk with his knees together, or bob up and down and he walks, etc.  He’s been doing this for a while now, but recently he’s started walking on his tippy toes as well.

What Nathan has been up to this month:

Talking to people on his mobile phone (no batteries installed)

Reading with Grandpa

Making his masterpieces

Playing blocks with Grandma and drawing with Daddy

Making his turtle stacks (inspired by Yertle the Turtle, Dr. Seuss)

Showers with Mummy…and blurting the shower door

Sofa testing at Baby Kingdom

4 Responses

  1. yewenyi says:

    mmm… I think there is a application for sim cards for phones that make no calls but allow you to play nursery rhymes or have some simple speach…

  2. Dad says:

    they are old cdma handsets.. 🙂

  3. Steph says:

    He’s a lefty!

  4. Twodragons says:

    great stories – you would think that he would at least have an iPod! LOL

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