18 weeks

04 Sep

Again there’s not much to report from this last week.  The last couple of days I seem to have lost most of my appetite, so I don’t eat much for meals and then a couple of hours later I’m hungry.  It’s rather weird.  So I eat some more of my dinner, but it doesn’t take much before I’m full again.  I didn’t think the baby would be big enough to be affecting my stomach much yet, but maybe it is. 

I’m looking forward to Tuesday morning next week when we have our ultrasound where they check out the baby’s internal organs and external features.  It’s always nice to have confirmation that things are still going along ok.  And then a week later is the appointment at the Birth Centre. 

Info from Birth.com.au:

You are now 18 weeks pregnant, which is beginning of week 19. Your baby is now 20 cm long from head to toe and weighs approximately 310 grams.

Your baby has a fine layer of hair covering their body, called lanugo. This helps protect their skin and is only shed a few weeks before they are due to be born.

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