14 weeks

07 Aug

There’s really nothing to report.  I feel fine.  I’m not really sure what my belly is doing…Andrew says that it’s poking out a bit more than it used to, but I’m still wearing my normal clothes.  I usually go for the comfy fit, so maybe that’s why I’m not noticing anything yet.  🙂

 From Birth.com.au:

You are now 14 weeks pregnant, which is the beginning of week 15. Your baby measures about 12 cm long from head to toe and weighs approximately 85 grams.

Your baby’s placenta is now fully functional but remains larger than the baby (until about 16 weeks). The placenta supplies your baby with oxygen, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals as well as removing carbon dioxide and waste materials, by filtering them through the placental tissues attached to the uterus. This intricate process of diffusion makes these exchanges possible because the tiny blood vessels of mother and baby are incredibly close together, yet remarkably always separate.

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