13 weeks

31 Jul

Since the chat with the midwife when we agreed that the due date was Feb 5 instead of Feb 2, and the measurements at the scan indicated that I was 12 weeks 0 days or 12 weeks 1 day (which was right for a Feb 5 due date), it seems reasonable to have these updates on Tuesdays instead of on Saturdays when I previously posted.

When we were in Melbourne for the weekend we told my grandmother (Oma) that in 6 months she would become a great grandmother, and the smile just didn’t leave her face for the rest of our visit!!  hehe. 

About the only thing that I’ve noticed recently, pregnancy wise, is that when I eat I don’t want to eat much and feel quite full after only a few bites.   And I’ve been feeling a bit….off…after eating.  Not nauseous exactly, but not good.  Can you develop morning sickness in the second trimester?  Hmmm…..

 Anyway, this week’s info from Birth.com.au:

You are now 13 weeks pregnant, which is the beginning of week 14.

Your baby measures about 9 cm in length from head to toe and weighs approximately 45 grams.

During this week, your baby’s body grows more rapidly than their head. Their gag reflex now begins to function, which is important for survival after being born and closely associated with their swallow, cough and sneeze reflexes. Your baby’s nose and nasal passages are now fully developed.

For most women the 2nd trimester is the most comfortable phase of their pregnancy. However, this stage can also bring its own unique physical changes. Occasionally the physical changes of the 1st trimester continue to linger until 14, 16 or even 20 weeks of pregnancy and beyond. However, it is normal to feel concerned if some pregnancy signs disappear and it is too early to feel the reassuring movements of your baby yet.

You may notice your belly beginning to show now and that you need to loosen the clothing around your waistline. However, at this stage many women say they just feel fat, rather than pregnant! From here on in, your baby grows quite rapidly and in the coming weeks your belly will quickly pop out! At this point you still may be able to get away with wearing looser or more elasticised pants and skirts, but in the coming weeks you will need to start considering wearing maternity clothing.

2 Responses

  1. Bronwyn says:

    I don’t know about developing morning sickness but I know that one of my friends had 9 months of morning sickness. The funny thing… she went for another round to have another baby and got it all over again.

  2. tinacek says:

    Eeek…9 months of morning sickness! I am just so glad that I’ve felt fine except for a couple of odd occasions, and even then I have barely felt more than just a little off. Sometimes I think I’m so very lucky! 🙂

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