12 Months Old

11 Feb

Happy Birthday Nathan!!

It is so hard to believe that a year has passed since Nathan entered our lives…sometimes it feels like it was just last week, and other times it seems like there was never a time without him.  He has turned into a little person, walking everywhere now (he doesn’t crawl anymore), saying a few simple things, communicates well using actions and pointing, can play by himself for a while, loves books though won’t always sit still for the entire book, and screaming/crying when he’s unhappy (often this is when I’ve taken the car key away from him!).  Andrew and I think he’s just perfect, and he brings us so much happiness.

Andrew thinks I’m mean, but I booked Nathan in for his 12 month jabs today.  He didn’t even flinch for the first jab, cried for the second one and was screaming by the time the third one was finished.  Poor little mite.  He was soothed by a bit of a breastfeed, but was still unhappy when we put him in the car, so I took him to the park for the rest of the morning.  He was weighed and measured as well, and apparently he’s a shortie!  He came in at 10 kg on the scales, and 70 cm tall.

Our new sleeping arrangements are that the hammock has been moved out of our bedroom and the cot has been moved in.  I don’t know if it’s the new arrangements or if he was just not quite 100% for a while recently, but suddenly Nathan has been sleeping better at night.  He wakes less often (he slept 9.5 hours without waking on Monday night!) and is easy to get to sleep when he does wake.  So far so good.

Oops,almost forgot to mention that Nathan’s 8th tooth has come through.

To finish off, here’s a trip down memory lane.

11 months old

10 Months Old

9 Months Old

8 Months Old

7 months old

6 months old

5 months old

4 months old

3 months old

2 months old

1 month old


3 Responses

  1. kate says:

    Love all the photos month by month, I will have to do that too. What a milestone, well done to you and andrew, love your work! 😉
    K 🙂

  2. Lex says:

    Gorgeous! I’m teary-eyed just reading this, and the photos at the end are a killer! He’s just so beautiful.

  3. Iris says:

    Belated happy birthday, Nathan! 🙂

    Looks like you had a cool day there. Hey, Chris, can you give me an advice regarding lit on potting training? Your “book” section needs to get updated…;-)

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