New Year’s Eve

04 Jan

Our new year celebrations went really well. Gabe and Julie parked at our residential complex, and we all took the train into the city together. There were loads of people already on the Cahill Expressway when we got there, but we squeezed ourselves into a good spot and ate our picnic dinner. The fireworks at 9 pm were pretty good, and then we were kicked off the road. Andrew and I had tickets to the midnight fireworks as well, so we said goodbye to Gabe, Julie and Matthew and lined up to go in again. We got through the bag search area but then had to wait for the gates to open before we could go find ourselves a spot. We found a great spot right at the front of the road and Andrew set up the tripod in preparation (so we didn’t lose our spot!). He took lots of photographs while we waited, and I had a bit of a snooze on the fold up chair that we’d taken.

The midnight fireworks were quite specatcular, with some fireworks being set off from the tops of the buildings surrounding circular quay. However, the bridge didn’t seem to feature in the fireworks until the grand finale. Everyone had set themselves up where we were in order to get a good view of the bridge, and so many were a bit disappointed.

Anyway, for my first lot of fireworks I’ve seen in Sydney for New Year’s Eve, I thought they were pretty good. Andrew didn’t think they were as good as other years. He did get some good photos though!

Then began what felt like a long trek back to the train station, along with hoards of other people. I’ve never seen so many people in the city before! Thankfully we didn’t have to wait long for our train, and it wasn’t too full either.

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